
Spotlight on Google Pay's Revamp using Flutter

Spotlight on Google pau's revamp using flutter | blog

Google Pay is an online payment and digital wallet system developed by Google to enable users to make various online purchases and transactions. Initially, Google pay was called tez. With growing popularity for online payments and a secure system to carry out such payments, Google constantly rebuilded tez and then came Google pay, with added features. Latest updates from Google confirmed that the app gets a new design revamp as it is being rewritten using Flutter.

Flutter is an UI framework that has been developed by Google. The greatest attraction of Flutter is that a single code base is enough to deploy the app on multiple platforms such as Android, iOS, Windows etc.

There are two versions of Google pay. One is for the countries that use NFC payments widely and the other one is for the remaining countries such as India. Keeping in mind of the future needs, the latter version is receiving a rewrite to serve the global audience. The rewrite is done starting from the surface meaning the app is completely re-developed from the basis. Despite being completely rewritten, the app looks no different from its existing form, at least as per the images provided.

Google has stated 3 main reasons to go with the Flutter:

  • They could write the application in dart and deploy it in all the platforms (Android, iOS, etc) at once. 
  • The Just-in-Time compiler during development has increased the developer efficiency by folds. 
  • Ahead-of-time compilation paved the way for high performance in deployment. 

This version of Google pay is currently running on beta version and is made available to the users in India and Singapore. It will be later rolled out to all other users. The users of the existing app will be prompted to update their app when the new version is rolled out.

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