
Flutter vs React Native: Which is Dominating App Development?

Entire Web & Mobile application industry got a complete makeover when HTML 5 got released in 2008. The concept of Hybrid Applications came into existence because of HTML 5.

The idea of Hybrid mobile application is developing a simple web app first, then morph that into mobile application and then run them separately. This method essentially is scalable & modular, allowing a single app to run in all mobile OS.

Although people thought with HTML 5,  we had figured it out all! Then came limitation in user experience like sliding menus and kinetics, which were highly resembling web apps.

This is when Javascript came in rise. We have seen a lot of frameworks & libraries built on Javascript getting traction. Starting with BackboneJs, MeteorJs ReactJs, AngularJs, VueJs and many more. These libraries improvised the limitation of HTML 5 to an extend.

During the high time of Javascript, many hybrid mobile application specific frameworks like ReactNative, Ionic, Flutter were introduced. Entire Mobile development industry had to Up-skill with no choice. These Frameworks were very much sought to revolutionize the entire industry and have conquered whooping 75% market share in a span of 5 years.

ReactiveNative is based on ReactJs and Ionic is on AngularJs. ReactNative was ruling the industry with 49% market share, later Ionic took over. Now Flutter is gaining a lot of traction and already captured 38% of market share.

Many developers prefer Flutter because of its technical advancement. According to Stack-overflow statistics Flutter is 68.8% preffered technology for any new mobile application development.

So comparing in multiple parameters, we have compiled the quick list below.
Comparison on
React Native
Most Preferred Language for new application
(according to Stack overflow statistics)
Most famous Language
(according to Google Trends)
Based on the core language used
Though ReactJs is famous technology, because of google’s backing Dart is more preferred to start with. So Flutter wins here.
Based on resource availability / Learning curve
ReactNative wins here because of more time in market. ReactNative is in usage since 2015 , where as Flutter was introduced in 2018 only.
Based on Performance
From our experience, when it comes to performance, Flutter is undoubtedly the winner.

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