Exciting facts about Angular2

The Angular community always shows great scope for developers and entrepreneurs. These reasons alone, are enough to understand the rush to look forward to Angular.
If you are considering using Angular JS, here are a couple of exciting facts you would like to know about.
Angular 2 shows better performance and claims to be up to 10 times faster because the same team that built Angular 1 are bringing all their knowledge to make Angular 2. This is not an update for Angular 1 but as it is rewritten entirely in Typescript and ECMAScript 6 specification.
Why did they want an upgrade?
The answer to this question will be much clearer now. The upgrade was announced by the Angular team, back in march 2014, as a revolution to re-implement the framework. The team, however, decided to skip a number of concepts from Angular 1. That’s was a huge step. Many developers were afraid of what the future Angular will bring.
A clear React framework evolved to become well accepted in the web developer community. This development did not stop the standard release of Angular 2, which was one of the frameworks introduced in ECMAScript. The community also covered ngUpgrade and ng-forward as a clear migration path from Angular 1.
What about Angular makes it unique?
The idea of Angular is actually unique. Nobody else uses this particular approach. AngularJs accommodates a variety of scenarios and complex applications. The kind of incremental changes worked hard over the years to be relevant as the need for modern web applications has changed. However, the improvements relating to performance were made as part of the original design. That’s the dependency injection.
Unlike other frameworks, Angular is the next-gen designed to work with every other tool. It is super cool while working with MVC, it doesn’t make you feel walking over a high bridge because once you split your app into MVC components, Angular will do the rest for you.
Yes, it is that simple. Let me list out few more advantages:
Angular 2 is simple framework than Angular 1, but that doesn’t mean it is less powerful.
Angular 2 work first for mobile’s first class support across all devices and optimized for memory efficiency and fewer CPU cycles.
Angular 2 came out first, overtaking React. This performance brought out a testimony from the Meteor team when they did a front-end framework performance shoot-out.
The building block is improved, in fact, a better than the best foundation in Angular 2. Such amazing building blocks are Router, Dependency Injection, Data-Binding, and TypeScript.
Not only the source of the framework is written in TypeScript, but also its documentation and tutorials have a TypeScript example.
What have they killed in Angular 1?
Complex syntax for directives
5 types of service that used to confuse new users
Writing stuff in the wrong scope
Angular 1 controllers are replaced with components, Structural directive syntax is changed
One-way data binding directive is replaced with ‘property’
Two-way data binding is replaced is ngModel
Angular 2 changes the way of Bootstrapping. Now the only way to bootstrap angular is via code, and so many…
So what is Angular 2 now?
Now the Angular 2 is lean and fast
Angular 2 is more mobile oriented now. And because they use Hierarchical Dependency Injection system, which again a performance booster.
It provides great choice of language (ES5, ES6, TypeScript or Dart) to write Angular 2 code
It implements web standards like components
In Angular 2, you can define your local variables in different ways.
They use camelCase syntax for built-in directives.
Angular 2 directly uses valid HTML DOM elements properties and events. By this many Angular 1, built-in directives are no longer required.
Ways of using Dependency Injection are changed – now achieved via the constructor.
Ways of routing are changed.
Angular 2 supports static template compilation
It provides the full solution for universal rendering.
Lazy loading is built-in
Angular 2 animation engine gives CSS Transitions and Web Animation API as well.
Rendering and re-rendering is very fast
Angular 2 has official style guide
Angular 2 CLI makes it all simple
Testing will be much easier in Angular 2
Angular material for Angular 2 builds beautiful material styles application very easily