
Codingmart Campus Hiring - We filter when they learn

Codingmart campus hiring | blog

Hire the right candidate


… with right skills
… with right Attitude
… with right interpersonal skills
… with right personality
… within the budget

…It goes on, and the above stated attributes can be again divided and subdivided and micro divided until we get the right candidate

Yes we do agree, it matters, but when it comes to Campus Hiring, getting the right candidate on the first day is a challenge.

Codingmart has an History of cracking this with 50+ colleges across South India from Tier 1to Tier 3 with 100 % success rate from the year 2014.
2019 marked a year when we interviewed 12000 students and we came up with a 0.5 percent hire ratio, about 60 born engineers.

How do we do this?

  • We do not send any test links to filter
  • We don’t filter students based on department
  • We do not filter students based on Marks.
  • We don’t worry about backlogs.

In short: We do not follow any legacy ways to filter.

We follow open hiring, we are a team of 4, 1 Senior tech, 2 last year hires, 1 HR. Surprising? Yes we take last year’s hires and we run the entire show front lining them, who else understands their juniors well.

The moment we enter the placement cell, we feel their excitement in their eyes. Trust us it goes 10x high, in 5 mins from then, Yes we got no ppt’s, no pep talks, we take 4 mins to convey “what is today and what will be tomorrow”.

We know we are not here to show them that they haven’t achieved anything in their life, we are always friendly to them, and we do take the delight to answer all their queries which they raise during the pre-placement talk.

In our open hiring process, we ask candidates to sit together and code. We ask candidates to learn things quickly and prove. They are allowed to refer to google for all answers. We filter all along by closely monitoring all 500+ (in a batch.). Yes, a more hectic day for the entire team, but the end of the day when we find that 1 magic coder, we rejuvenate. Then for us, it’s packing your bag and get ready for the next day to meet yet another exciting students from a different college

An open Book Assessment to refer  google, call a friend, call your professor during the coding round makes them feel it’s more of a classroom then the exam hall, this is how we filter them while they are learning. Codingmart’s hiring is designed to be a gain gain process, they learn we filter, so it’s gain gain.

Welcoming these born talents into Codingmart and training them is learning for us, that’s why our training team is always up to date.

Our hiring and training has been proven in multiple events, where Codingmart Interns compete with 2 yrs experienced Developers and win them. As we always claim Codingmart is a curated team of Born Talents, its Magic, be part of us to feel it.

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